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Sewage Spill on Gull Lake

Posted by on September 1, 2023

Good Day Members and Residents of Gull and Silver Lakes, Late last evening we were made aware of a sewage spill that has entered Gull Lake.  We have notified and have been working with the appropriate authorities to determine the extent of the leakage, content, and source.

We have been speaking with the Ministry of the Environment, the Simcoe/Muskoka Health Unit and the Town, to ensure the appropriate actions are taken and as we understand, an investigation is underway. The Town may take to their social media accounts to update the situation as they usually do when the Gull Lake Park swimming area is affected. See links to those channels below:

As lake health and environmental stability is of upmost concern to us all, we will continue to monitor the situation intently and keep all of you posted as information is provided to us.


Randy Levine, President

Brian Ochab, Vice President

Joanne Smith, Environmental Chair

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