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Update on Sewage Spill on Gull Lake

Good Afternoon Gull and Silver Lakes Association Members and Residents. We would like to provide an update on the reported sewage spill on Gull Lake. As our earlier messaging indicated, the Town, Regional Health Unit and the Ministry of Environment Conservation & Parks (MECP) have all been very involved in addressing and evaluating the sewage … Continue reading »

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Sewage Spill on Gull Lake

Good Day Members and Residents of Gull and Silver Lakes, Late last evening we were made aware of a sewage spill that has entered Gull Lake.  We have notified and have been working with the appropriate authorities to determine the extent of the leakage, content, and source. We have been speaking with the Ministry of … Continue reading »

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Gravenhurst Municipal Election 2022

After research and extensive consultation with other community groups and associations, the GSLRA Board of Directors has recommended the following candidates based on their alignment with the strategic and environmental vision of our Association. How to vote: Gravenhurst Election Details The recommended candidates are: Mayor: Terry Pilger705-644-1195Email Terry District Councillor: Sandy Carins705-330-7273Email Sandy District Councillor: … Continue reading »

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